Country-specific information on job postings (postdoc+)
An overview
In many fields, early career researchers may need to seek employment abroad. The following list may be helpful in considering an international job search, using several illustrative countries as an example.
Use the Table of Contents at right to return to the Czech opportunity pages.
If you would like your country to be added to this page, or if you know of additional useful job portals for academic positions, please contact us.
Useful resource: STEMskiller
(A-Z list, selected countries)
- Links to many opportunities, with descriptions of each program. Funding database also available.
- In the US, many postdoctoral, tenure-track, and adjunct positions in academic are listed in The Chronicle of Higher Education
List of engineering societies (see US section) with links to the various societies
Universities list positions; see, for example:
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Chronicle of Higher Education
Jobseekers can set up job alerts or browse for postdoctoral/tenure-track/adjunct positions.
Note that it is well known in the US that academic jobs are scarce and that competition is fierce, so many jobseekers know they may not end up at a “big name” university. There are also many smaller colleges, universities, and community colleges international jobseekers may not know about but which may have open opportunities.
Adjunct positions
Scholarly/learned societies
Many scholarly societies have career fairs as part of their annual conferences and/or list job opportunities in their discipline on their webpages (sometimes, only if one becomes a member of the professional organization). Examples of scholarly societies:
American Council of Learned Societies
American Society for Engineering Education
Other engineering societies:
Searching by institution
One can also pick institutions and locate their job opening pages. Examples: