STEMskiller: Skill Set Map for Mentors of Early Career Researchers

CAREER MANAGEMENT (also: Personal Leadership, Career Planning)

In general


Mentors may, through the course of their careers, lose sight of the fact that many mentees have not had proper career training, and “Dr. YouTube” videos (like it or not, a source of information for many younger mentees) are very general, failing to provide specific guidance for mentees planning careers in STEM.[1] For mentees pursuing careers in academia, the quest for actual information is even more difficult—high-quality resources may exist for various topical areas (e.g., CV writing, writing letters of motivation, applying to a postdoc position), but they can be extremely difficult for mentees to locate. The resources below shine light on these well-conceived materials for mentors. 

[1] View sample results found using basic “STEM career planning” search in YouTube (16.7.2020):

Useful general Career Management resources:

Fuhrmann, C.N, Hobin, J.A., Lindstaedt, B., & Clifford, P.S. (2020). myIDP Science Careers Individual Development Plan.

Created by scientists for scientists, this four-stage career planning tool was specifically created for doctoral students and postdocs contemplating their futures—both within and beyond academia. Mentees can create a report that can be shared with others, including mentors. Mentors can ask mentees to generate and share a report, and the tool additionally allows creation of a completion certificate. Includes assessment of skills, interests, and values; career exploration (consider career fit, read about careers, attend events, talk to people, choose a career path); goal setting (career advancement, skill, and project goals); and considering and implementation plan (articulating mentoring team, creation of summary, and certificate).

The Wellbeing Thesis. (2020). Planning for the World After.

Self-paced reading on the topics: What Matters in Your Career, Tomorrow Isn’t Forever – A Career in Steps, The Skills and Knowledge of a Doctor, and The Importance of Planned Happenstance.

Tags: All IPS; all PSR; all IAL; CompQ

Peer Review: None

Table of contents:

3.0. In general


Author: Stephanie Krueger

Peer Reviewer(s): None

Last Updated: October 28, 2021


Editor: Last modified: 24.5. 2024 09:05