Zásilka NTK Service
Patrons with a valid registration, permanent or temporary residence permit for the Czech Republic and all financial liabilities towards the library settled can reserve documents in our online library catalog. We will then collect the documents, package and ship via a third-party carrier (Zásilkovna) to a selected dispensing point (further referred to as the “Z-Point”) anywhere within the country. The provision of a service to a specific patron follows the rules defined for his/her customer group (you can check your group via Your Profile).
How much does it cost?
- The fee charged for using the service is 70 CZK for each single package.
- Additional packages need to be created even if a part of the documents ordered is on loan at that time.
How can I order documents to be sent via Zásilkovna?
First, make sure you have a sufficient account balance to use the service. Then proceed through following steps:
- Log in to your account in the online library catalog.
- Find the document you wish to order.
- In record details, click on a „Recall This“ or „Place a Hold“ button.
- In the Hold Request form, select „Zásilkovna“ in the Pickup Location drop-down menu.
- Select the Z-Point, operated by Zásilkovna.
- Check or fill in your e-mail address and phone number.
- Confirm your consent with the Terms and Conditions of the Zásilka NTK Service.
- Submit the form.
- Once the package is handed over, you will receive an e-mail notification from Zásilkovna and a tracking link.
To order another document, please follow the same procedure again. If you wish the documents to be sent to you via a single package (if applicable), select the same Z-Point and provide the same contact information as in our previous order. The order is shipped the next business day. Any cancellation can be made until then in the Patron Account.
What happens after the order has been placed?
- In case of an insufficient balance on your account, you will be notified and asked to execute an appropriate payment to cover the service fee. If the amount required is not credited to our account within 7 calendar days, the order is cancelled.
- Once the service fee is deducted from your account, the documents are put on loan to you.
Further communication with you is then carried on by Zásilkovna.
In case you do not pick up the package at the Z-Point within the time specified by Zásilkovna, it will be sent back to the library. In such case the service fee is not given back to you.
What personal information do I need to provide?
To deliver the package successfully, your name, surname, e-mail address and phone number are required. By confirming the order, you are giving your consent to processing of your personal data and to their sharing with Zásilkovna for the purpose specified above.
What else should I know?
- Conditions of loan renewals, returns and overdues remain unchanged.
- Using services of other carriers or sending the documents abroad is not possible.
- How to return the borrowed materials?
- Self-Service Device – located on the ground floor (or on the Floor 2, during the opening hours) of the library.
- Returns Box – located at the entrance to the building NTK3. A loan returned in this way will be removed from the Patron Account on the following business day.
- Česká pošta – you can send the documents back to the NTK via a traditional postal service. Documents sent this way will be removed from your Patron Account on the following business day.
For more details see full Terms and Conditions of the Zásilka NTK Service.
232 002 535