
The library's historical mathematics holdings date back to the sixteenth century, with expanded holdings after 1950 primarily in English, Czech, and German. We now actively collect materials in all mathematics-related disciplines, with a large number of print and online books and journals supplemented by other online resources.

Electronic Books

Print Books

Mathematics books typically have the call (location) numbers QA1-999.

To browse them, go to the sixth floor, shelves 6C 138-6D 182. Some computer sciences titles are also found there, if they are related to mathematical subjects.

SubjectShelfCall Number
Mathematics - general 6C138-227 QA1-43
Mathematics tables - general 6C228 QA47-63
Mathematical instruments - tools and machines, learning models, mathematical linguistics, computers, programming languages 6C229-318 QA71-95
Foundations of Mathematics. Arithmetic 6D101 QA101-145
Algebra 6D102-118 QA150-272
Probability 6D119-127 QA273.A1-275
Mathematical Statistics 6D128-134 QA276-297
Analysis (diff. calculus, functions, diff. equations) 6D135-170 QA298-433
Geometry 6D171-182 QA440-699
Analytical mechanics 5B001-012 QA801-939

Historical Books in the NTK Collection

Online Articles

Electronic Journals

A-Z list of Mathematics eJournals

Open access journals in DOAJ

Print Journals

A-Z list

Current volumes of print journals in mathematics are located in the Periodicals Reading Room on the third floor, shelves 3D043-051, where you can find also IT journals.

List of current journal subscriptions

Reference resources

Web pages

Featured: Mathematics@MIT OpenCourseware: Syllabi and multimedia course materials for undergraduates.

Your contact

Ibrahim Abou Khashabh

Ibrahim Abou Khashabh

Nothing is impossible under the sun


Computer Science, Computer Security and Cryptology, Mathematics, Physics, Programming Languages, LaTeX,

See also

Previous authors: Anna Keclíková, Stephanie Krueger.

Editor: Last modified: 11.12. 2019 16:12