Academy of Performing Arts in Prague

see also AMU programs for postdocs and job openings for university positions

Internal research grants


      • Sample programs listed relevant to doctoral candidates:

        • Grant Competition Excellent 
          " develop AMU doctoral students’ expertise in designing and implementing artistic and scientific research projects, to develop doctoral students’ non-specific academic skills in research methodology and strategy, to develop doctoral students’ scholarly language competencies, and to support their mobility abroad." 

            • Deadline mid-February

            • Mentor involvement required (“for the duration of the project shall provide methodological and specialist support, and shall help with planning the individual steps”)

        • Artistic Research
          “to support projects in the field of artistic research that are based on research through art (where artistic practice is both the subject and the means of research). The results of such research may be a gallery installation, a performance, a music composition, a video, etc. in combination with a publication output in text or text/audio/visual form.”

            • Deadline August 

            • Projects primarily of an implementation nature, without the research dimension, will not be supported.

Faculty level:

  • N/A

Traveling abroad

University offices for assistance with outgoing mobility:



Faculty level:

  • N/A


Editor: Sasha Skenderija Last modified: 13.5. 2024 12:05