Military Science
Military Science is one of the subjects represented in our library. This is not a coincidence since Professor Willenberg, one of the founding fathers of CTU, was a military engineer by profession. “The Art of Engineering” was the first discipline to be lectured there. Some of the invaluable pieces of his library are now part of the Rare Books and Special Collection department. They relate to military engineering and artillery. The other books you may find at the open stacks. They are mostly focused on a military history, military technology and weaponry. Information concerning security, strategy and logistic can be found in our print and eJournals.
Electronic Books
Print Books
Subject | Shelf | Call Number |
Military Affairs | Rare Book & Special Collection | |
Fortification | 3C/213 | UG400-UG442 |
Army | Several locations | |
Military Technology | Several locations | UG1-UG620 |
Military Aircrafts | 3C/214-3C/215 | UG1240-UG1245 |
Navy | 3C/216-3C/218 | V750-V995 |
Tanks | 3C/213 | UG446.5 |
Artillery | Several locations | UF1-UF910 |
Firearms | Several locations | UD380-UD415 |
Melee weapons | Several locations | UD420-UD425 |
Online Articles
Electronic Journals
- Air Force Journal of Logistics, 0270-403X
- Armada International, 0252-9793
- Armed Forces and Society, 0095-327X
- Army Communicator, 0362-5745
- Army Logistician, 0004-2528
- Baltic Defence Review, 1736-1257
- British Journal for Military History , 2057-0422
- Defence Science Journal, 0011-748X
- Naval War College Review, 0028-1484
- Obrana a strategie, 1214-6463
- Scientia Militaria - South African Journal of Military Studies, 2224-0020
Complete list of e-journals A-Z
Print Journals
ISSN | Title |
1211-801x | A report |
1802-4823 | ATM : český a slovenský specializovaný magazín zaměřený na všechny oblasti vojenství |
0018-2583 | Historie a vojenství |
1804-2228 | Hobby historie : osobnosti, letectví a vojenská technika 20. století |
1548-5129 | The journal of defense modeling and simulation : applications, methodology, technology |
1805-0247 | Military revue |
0027-8211 | Naše vojsko : vojenský a policejní magazín |
0322-7650 | Střelecká revue |
1210-3292 | Vojenské rozhledy = Czech military review : vojensko-teoretický časopis |
1212-5210 | Zbraně & náboje : časopis muže, který zná svůj cíl |
Reference resources
- Britannica Academic -Encyclopedia Britannica provides a list of the best military web sites.
- The Great War, 1914-18 -Guide to the First World War containing information about battlefields, monuments, medals and ongoing events.
- International Encyclopedia of the First World War -open-access knowledge base concerning the First World War is the result of an international collaborative project involving more than 1,000 authors, editors, and partners from over fifty countries.
- Military History Encyclopedia on the Web -Ambitious internet encyclopedia aiming to comprehend all aspects of military history. It consist of articles, book reviews, maps and pictures.
Web pages
- Defence in Debt - research blog of the Defence Studies Department of King’s College London, offering in-depth contemporary and historical analysis of the issues behind defence. Focuses on security, international relations, military, strategy and military and navy history.
- Digital Reading Room of the Ministry of Defence -Project providing access to digital resources of Czech Ministry of Defence via digital library Kramerius.
- Military History Institute Prague -The Institute is the research center, museum, library and archive facility of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic.
- Vojenský ústřední archiv -Military Archive of the Czech Ministry of Defence.
- Wilson Center Digital Archive -Digital Archive of Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. It Contains once classified government documents from all sides of Cold War Era. Valuable sources for study of contemporary history as well as military history.
Your contact

Petr Nouza
- petr.nouza
- 232 002 400
- 778 453 024