Bibliometric Services

Bibliometrics can assist you in evaluating published research results (e.g., books, articles, conference proceedings), assessing the impact of basic and applied research, or in making decisions about funding (scientometrics).

Most of this is done by using citation metrics (assessed via citation analysis methods). The main source of these metrics are citation databases, such as Web of Science and Scopus.

If you would like to discuss searching in citation databases in detail or better understand scholarly metrics, please schedule a consultation. (up to one hour).

Sample consultation topics

  • Learn to effectively search citation databases.
  • Quickly find your publications and h-index variants.
  • Manage your published output with author identifiers (ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID).
  • Evaluate journal impact factor or other citation metrics.

Publication Overview with Citation Counts

We can prepare a customized citation report for you based on provided information such as an author's name or particular research field.

For these reports, we primarily use citation databases and resources such as Scopus, Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, and Google Scholar.

This service is conducted for a fee and not provided for students (except PhD candidates); for detailed information, see Rules for use of consultation and information retrieval services.

Web of Science and Scopus are citation databases of scientific literature. They help you identify reliable sources of information, because of the strict conditions journals need to fulfill to be indexed in these databases (WoS, Scopus).

Furthermore, both these databases enable to determine the most important articles, authors, journals, or conferences in your field through results analysis (WoS, Scopus).

Both Web of Science and Scopus are licensed databases, you can access them via NTK or another institution's subscription, or subscribe to them individually, if you are not affiliated with an academic institution.

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Open resources

Editor: Edita Jindráková Last modified: 15.11. 2022 14:11