The library's architecture collection has a long tradition entwined with the development of technical and engineering education in Central Europe, providing specialized information resources in architecture and design to students, teachers, and technical specialists. It contains a wide range of publication types ranging from classical works beginning with I Quattro primi libri di Architettura / di Pietro Cataneo Senese in 1554 to the newest eletronic resources.
Le Corbusier - Plans and ARTSTOR
Digital archive Le Corbusier - Plans contains more than 38 000 notes, diagrams, plans and drawings covering 325 projects of the architect. You can search projects or images using keywords and different types of filters (decade, country, construction, project's name). All images are printable in HD format.
After logging into your NTK account (in the upper right corner), after that enter Le Corbusier - Plans. Firstly, create an individual account directly in the NTK building at our Wifi or on our computers. After that click on "New User Registration" and select one of the domains in the drop-down menu.
You will receive an email with a code and a temporary password that needs to be changed in "Account Settings" in the top-right corner.
For remote access to the archive, you need to log in to a user account on the NTK website.
To the right is a video tutorial on how to create an account and how to use the Le Corbusier database.
ARTSTOR Digital Library is an online image database, which includes images almost 500 000 images from architecture and city planning. Images can be displayed in a high resolution, as well as grouped together or tagged. Created image folders can be shared with colleagues or students. All images are rights-cleared for educational use. For remote access to the archive, it is necessary to be registered with NTK and to log in with your credentials on NTK homepage. To view all Artstor collections and build image groups, you need to create your personal Artstor account as well (right upper corner). NTK patrons can access ARTSTOR from anywhere, as long as their last login within the library (on public PCs or via the local wi-fi NTK-simple) is not older than 120 days.
ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide
ArchDaily, Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide: Architecture news, competitions and projects updated every hour for the architecture professional
Architecture is a weblog devoted to the future of design, tracking the innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future.
- ProQuest eBook Central digital library contains online books about architecture.
Recomended eBooks
Print books
Subject | Shelf | Call Number |
Architecture - general | 6B089-132 | NA1 - NA130 |
History of architecture | 6B0133-144 | NA1555,5 - NA2320 |
Business management for architects | 6B144 | NA1996 |
Competitions, museums, exhibitions, general works | 6B144-6B145 | NA2335-NA2540 |
Architecture in relation to special subjects | 6B146-6B147 | NA2541 - NA2599.9 |
Architectural drawing, data processing, computer-aided design | 6B148-6B152 | NA2685 - NA2793 |
Color in architecture | 6B153 | NA2795 |
Architectural acoustics | 6B153 | NA2800 |
Architectural details, motives | 6B154-6B156 | NA2835 - NA3070 |
Special classes of buildings | 6B157-6B171 | NA4100 - NA8480 |
Aesthetics of cities, city planning and beautification | 6B172-6B178 | NA9000 - NA9428 |
Recomended print books
Rare books
The library’s old books and special collection contains classical works by Vitruvius, Alberti, Palladio, Vignola, Semper, Sitte, and others beginning with I Quattro primi libri di Architettura / di Pietro Cataneo Senese (1554) to 1920. The old books and special collection has a long tradition entwined with the development of technical and engineering education in Central Europe. The large majority of its contents are in German or French, since the German language was historically and geographically closest to the Czech lands, with a high percentage of scientific works translated into German from their original languages (Latin, English, Italian, or Czech).
Online articles
- Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.
- ProQuest Central provides access to a large collection of full-texts in science, technology, and medicine (STM).
- Taylor & Francis is one of the world's leading publishers focusing on scientific literature. The library's subscription includes the collection Science & Technology Library where you can find more than 500 peer-reviewed academic journals.
- Other recommended databases
Recommended eJournals
Print journals
A-Z list of Journals in the NTK collection
Current volumes of print journals in architecture are located in the Periodicals Reading Room on the third floor, shelves 3D025-3D036.
Recomended print journals
- Environment and planning. B - Full-text available online via SAGE Complete
- Architektúra & urbanizmus
- Architectural Theory Review
Reference resources
The Oxford companion to architecture
The Oxford Companion to Architecture is a new reference book on a popular and much-debated subject. It contains over 1500 A-Z entries covering all aspects of architecture, from architects, building types, and movements and styles to materials, aspects of design, and definitions. It is particularly strong in its coverage of architecture around the world, and of modern and vernacular architecture. The Companion is strongly rooted in an approach to architecture that looks at its social, technical, and practical aspects, as well as viewing it from an art-historical perspective.
Dictionary of architecture and building construction
With more than 20,000 words and terms individually defined, the Dictionary offers huge coverage for anyone studying or working in architecture, construction or any of the built environment fields. The innovative and detailed cross-referencing system allows readers to track down elusive definitions from general subject headings. Starting from only the vaguest idea of the word required, a reader can quickly track down precisely the term they are looking for.
The Oxford dictionary of architecture
Beautifully illustrated and written in a clear and concise style, this dictionary covers every period of Western architectural history. The text is complemented by over 250 beautiful and meticulous line drawings, labelled cross-sections, and diagrams. There are more than 900 new entries, including hundreds of new biographical entries on leading historical architects, as well as subjects such as algorithmic design, digital architecture, and parametric design, and many entries expanding the coverage of landscape architecture.
Architect's illustrated pocket dictionary
This pocket-sized dictionary offers huge coverage for the 40,000 plus people studying or working in architecture, construction or any of the built environment fields. From Abaciscus to Zophorus, the reader is able to quickly track down precisely the term they are looking for. It is illustrated with stunning drawings that provide a visual as well as a textual definition of both key concepts and subtle differences in meaning
Web pages
Structurae - International Database and Gallery of Structures
Structurae is an international database and gallery for bridge engineering, structural engineering and civil engineering including individual structures, photos, as well as companies and persons involved in their design and construction, products used and expert literature available.
Places Journal
Places Journal is an essential and trusted resource on the future of architecture, landscape, and urbanism. We harness the power of public scholarship to promote equitable cities and resilient landscapes. In these pages you will find writers, designers, and artists who are responding to the profound challenges of our time: environmental health and social inequity, climate change, resource scarcity, human migration, rapid technological innovation, and the erosion of the public sphere.
JAE Journal of Architectural Education
JAE is biannual peer-reviewed academic journal published by Routledge on behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. The JAE has been the primary venue for research and commentary on architectural education since it was founded in 1947, making it the oldest continuing operating journal of its kind.
OASE Journal
OASE is an independent, international, peer-reviewed journal for architecture that brings together academic discourse and the sensibilities of design practice. OASE advocates critical reflection in which the architectural project occupies a central position, yet is understood to be embedded in a wider cultural field. Published two times a year, each OASE provides a rigorous investigation of a specific theme, featuring architecture, urban design and landscape design and insisting on the discussion of the historical and theoretical aspects of contemporary issues.
Architectural Histories
Architectural Histories is the international, blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal of the EAHN that creates a space where historically grounded research into all aspects of architecture and the built environment can be made public, consulted, and discussed. The journal is open to historical, historiographic, theoretical, and critical contributions that engage with architecture and the built environment from a historical perspective.
More web pages
- Architecture - Provided by The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). has been designed to beautifully showcase architecture and the enormous impact that buildings and our environment have on people, communities, and culture worldwide. The website combines expansive full-width photography and magazine-style layouts to deliver stories.
- The Architecture - An architect’s resource, including the latest competitions, awards, and job opportunities. Join over three million visitors, browse by category, or subscribe to an RSS feed to keep up-to-date.
- Accustudio - AccuStudio is the source for AccuRender, and includes related news, support, events, and ever-growing numbers of resources. Supports AutoCAD, Revit, Rhino, and SketchUp.
- Getty ULAN online - The Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ® (TGN), the Art & Architecture Thesaurus ® (AAT), and the Cultural Objects Name Authority ® (CONA, in development) are structured vocabularies that can be used to improve access to information about art, architecture, and material culture.
In these TED Talks, master architects share their vision for inspired buildings. Hear from Frank Gehry, Norman Foster, Liz Diller, Daniel Libeskind, Moshe Safdie, Thom Mayne, Thomas Heatherwick, Bjarke Ingells, David Rockwell and more.
eVolo | Architecture Magazine
Architecture and Design Magazine for the 21st Century. Organizer of the Annual Skyscraper Architectural Competition.
Your contact

Lenka Chladová
- lenka.chladova
- 232 002 510
- 775 887 053